Sexual Predator Detection and Interdiction

Sandusky, Nassar, Tyndall, Strauss, Weinstein, Epstein. These sexual predators went undetected in their communities for years. How was that allowed to happen? It’s quite simple, actually. No one was purposefully looking for them, and occasional outcry didn’t create the critical mass necessary for officials to take allegations seriously until so many people cried out that they could no longer be ignored.  

Even after all these cases, it may surprise you to learn that no organization has developed a comprehensive program of Sexual Predator Detection and Prevention for schools and colleges – until now. These days, we all know we need to look for predators and stop them. It’s just a question of knowing where and how to look. 

TNG’s Sexual Predator Detection and Prevention Model has been designed by leading experts to provide schools with a comprehensive framework that gives you powerful tools to make sure that the potential predators in your communities don’t slip through the cracks. Predators are rarely well-hidden, if you know what to look for. TNG’s expert guidance is designed to help you detect predators and empower school and campus communities to limit the venues and opportunities predators have to harm vulnerable targets.  

Our comprehensive model includes twelve essential elements discussed below:

  • Neutralizing predations through supervised interactions 
  • Trapping and interdicting a predator  
  • Develop a predator interdiction action plan 
  • Admissions/hiring screening 
  • Integrating the BIT/TAT     
  • Getting and giving references 
  • Patient/client Surveys 
  • Identifying hot spots/vulnerability assessment 
  • Policies and procedures for treating minors 
  • Climate surveys 
  • Training on identifying grooming behaviors, predatory patterns, and dark personality/sociopathy 
  • Engaging the Board of Trustees/Risk Management Committee 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand what grooming behaviors look like and how to detect them.
  • Recognize patterns of conduct and how they might be harbingers of predatory conduct.
  • Understand the elements of a comprehensive safety net program for predator detection.
  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment to understand where predators are most likely to target.
  • Who should own predator prevention responsibility, institutionally.
  • Harden targets to reduce vulnerability.

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