Risk Management Solutions

Implementing proprietary systems-level solutions for prevention and risk mitigation.

Implementing proprietary systems-level solutions for prevention and risk mitigation

Experience the confidence that comes with minimized risk exposure through our proven assessments and tailored client consultations. We collaborate with you to develop robust policies and procedures and implement training that draws on our decades of combined experience and track record of success in litigation. Services include:

Implementing proprietary systems-level solutions for prevention and risk mitigation

Sexual Predator Detection and Intervention

Until now, no consulting firm or organization has developed a comprehensive program dedicated to detecting sexual predators and preventing harm in schools and colleges. TNG’s expert-designed model provides educational institutions with vital tools to identify and mitigate potential threats within their communities. This framework encompasses twelve essential components, including supervised interactions, screening processes, vulnerability assessments, and training on recognizing predatory behaviors. We aim to empower schools and campuses to safeguard vulnerable individuals from harm.

MPAC: 1-on-1 Mentorship in Professionalism and Appropriate Conduct

TNG’s Mentorship in Professionalism and Appropriate Conduct (MPAC) program redefines traditional sensitivity training. Our personalized, one-on-one sessions, led by experts, equip team members with insightful tools to make informed decisions when addressing issues of discrimination and harassment. MPAC is customized to fit specific scenarios and can be delivered in person or a hybrid format. Focused on mentorship rather than punishment, our program encourages meaningful dialogue and understanding, empowering trainees to engage confidently as active stakeholders in the resolution process. Additionally, participants receive access to training materials and post-session debriefs, providing peace of mind about the effectiveness of the training. This service can be used proactively, or in response to findings of a policy violation. Sensitive situations involving faculty members and senior administrators may be especially amenable to being remedied with MPAC.

MPAC: 1-on-1 Mentorship in Professionalism and Appropriate Conduct

Building a New Office or Team

A consultant can often be the catalyst you need to propel initiatives forward and solve challenges effectively. In areas such as Climate and Community Engagement, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Title VI compliance, bias mitigation, critical incident response, compliance, and risk management, one of the biggest obstacles is assembling a high-performing team. Our consultants are dedicated to guiding new teams in comprehending their scope while defining clear objectives and roles.

We support the planning of ongoing professional development for team members and conduct regular evaluations along with targeted training aimed at enhancing overall effectiveness. By providing a customized training experience that directly addresses specific needs and challenges, we empower your team to cultivate essential skills and excel in promoting community well-being, fairness, compliance, and safety.

Crisis Communications and Media Relations

We are not your PR team, but we can be a critical supplement to your PR efforts, especially during a crisis. Our clients depend on our insights to craft compelling messages, mitigate bad press, anticipate reputational harm, and reframe critical media narratives. With a legal-centered approach and twenty-five years of experience, we have become indispensable partners for institutions facing reputational challenges.

Our insights into legal and compliance issues inform institutional messaging without using complex legal jargon and concepts. Perhaps more importantly, we have an uncanny ability to assess which stories are likely to gain traction, identify responses that either fuel or quell narratives, and steer dialogues toward more productive topics. We know how to redirect or reject narratives that do not align with client objectives. Understanding what resonates with various media outlets and leveraging our extensive network helps our clients effectively weather PR crises and navigate risk management challenges.

Crisis Communications and Media Relations

Protest/Riot/Occupation Prevention and Response

Introducing a consultant to campus can disrupt any dynamic and feel like a deflection from administrative responsiveness and accountability. Yet, when tensions run high within the community, having a consultant present during discussions with groups who are incensed, on edge, protesting, or on the verge of rioting can help defuse conflict. It demonstrates that you are taking them seriously and listening carefully.

At times, it may be beneficial for consultants to take the heat, deflecting negative energy away from the administration. We have successfully negotiated with students to peacefully vacate occupied buildings, brokered agreements to avoid riots, and maintained open lines of communication with protesting groups to ensure they retain control of their own protests. We have worked with many schools and campuses to defuse hot-button situations with effective de-escalation techniques and strategic intervention. Our goal is to ensure that relevant agencies and stakeholders are involved in conflict management.

Departmental/Division Mediation and Climate Management

Are some conflicts intractable? We reject that premise. With sufficient time, resources, patience, willingness to listen, and proper leverage, no conflict is beyond resolution. Often, a consultant is the only neutral, impartial, and objective resource in a room—a critical, independent voice for mitigating group conflicts.

Whether it’s formal mediation, culture/climate investigation, or departmental assessment, our work lays the foundation for essential layered changes, including changes in leadership, structure, staffing, accountability, and oversight. These factors can significantly enhance the organizational dynamics we strive to cultivate. Our extensive track record astonishes clients as we continue to excel in bridging gaps, finding common ground, and encouraging reform, healing, and repairing fractured functions within complex organizations.

Departmental/Division Mediation and Climate Management