Expert Services

Providing highly respected expert witnesses, hearing advisors, and neutral decision-makers.

Expert Witness and Litigation Support

Our seasoned experts serve as pillars of support for both plaintiffs and defendants and can also provide litigation support to guide complex litigation with precision. Leveraging our extensive experience over two decades in more than 150 cases, we have established a solid reputation for successfully explaining and applying industry standards in discrimination, misconduct, and Title IX cases with exceptional quality for both plaintiffs and defendants. K-12 schools, colleges, and plaintiffs frequently call upon TNG consultants to serve as expert witnesses and litigation strategists for state and federal court cases, government investigations (e.g., OCR, program reviews), and internal investigations. Put our credibility behind you for any complaint filed with a state or federal agency for non-compliance with the law—Title VI, VII, IX, ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, as well as breach of contract claims, negligence, and other causes of action.

Sexual Misconduct School Hearing Expert Witnesses

The same expertise that makes us valuable in court can also lend itself to using our services in school and campus hearings, as experts on law, policy, sexual misconduct, and other allegations. We are frequently engaged by parties and schools to testify in this capacity.

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External Hearing Advisors

Fairness in advising is of the utmost importance. With this service, every complainant and every respondent can access an expert advisor irrespective of race, culture, socio-economic status, or other demographic power imbalances or impediments. TNG hearing advisors believe every party deserves top-quality advising, with an advisor who is there for that party and beholden to no one else. TNG hearing advisors are available for direct engagement by complainants, respondents, and families, as well as third-party engagement by schools and institutions on behalf of parties to complaints.

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Hearing and Non-Hearing Decision-Makers and Hearing Chairs

TNG offers professional hearing and non-hearing officers and decision-makers for issues related to sexual misconduct, discrimination, and conduct codes. Our comprehensive pre-hearing preparations and procedural reviews ensure that hearings are conducted precisely. Our subject matter expertise underpins our decision-making, providing clear, defensible rationales and ensuring that we can withstand challenges on appeal and legal scrutiny. We offer flexible options, including single decision-makers or three-member panels, with the added convenience of virtual hearings to reduce costs without sacrificing quality.

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