Haven Hart, Ph.D., M.Ed.
Vice President for Consulting Operations, TNG
Areas of Expertise
Higher Education Leadership
Student Conduct Management – Individual and Organizational
Threat Assessment and Behavioral Intervention
Compliance Audits
Training – Title IX Advisors, Conduct Boards, Hearing Officers
Policy Review
Bias Assessment and Response
Process Development and Implementation
Staff Development
Ph.D., Administration of Higher Education, Auburn University
M.Ed., Guidance and Counseling Services, Post-Secondary, Clemson University
B.A., Secondary Education, Clemson University
Speaking & Writing
Dissertation, Ph.D., April 2020: Sorority/Fraternity Facilities: Does Type Make a Difference in the Member Experience?
Presenter, NASPA conference: Reconstructing our thinking on Sorority and Fraternity Facilities: Does “Type” Influence Experience?
Presenter, SACSA conference: Lessons from our First Year: Addressing Bias Incidents at Auburn University
Presenter, SACSA conference: Student Organization Conduct Investigations: A Collaborative Model for Success
Invited Speaker, Bolles School: College Knowledge – Preparing for Your First Year
Presenter, NASPA conference: PRO Students, a Partnership for Success
Presenter, ASCA conference: Women in Student Conduct
Presenter, SACSA conference: Creating Partnerships: The Spartanburg College Town Consortium
Presenter, SCCPA conference: Chief Student Affairs Roundtable
Professional Organizations
NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education: Fraternity/Sorority Life Task Force (Disciplinary Process Subcommittee)
Southern Association for College Student Affairs (SACSA)
South Carolina College Personnel Association (SCCPA): Past President
Association for Student Conduct Administration (ASCA): Alabama State Coordinator
Haven Hart, Ph.D., M.Ed.
Vice President for Consulting Operations, TNG
“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure the impact lasts in your absence.” Sheryl Sandberg
Haven L. Hart develops systems to ensure efficiency and effectiveness and oversees the quality review process upon engagement completion. Her areas of expertise include strategic planning, teaching/training, continuous improvement, program and project management, individual and organizational risk management, threat assessment, and student success.
Hart is a career higher education professional with more than 30 years of experience in student affairs administration. She most recently served as Assistant Vice President for Student Development at Auburn University, where she oversaw Career Services and Cooperative Education, Greek Life, Health Promotion and Wellness Services, the Office of Accessibility, Auburn Cares, and Student Conduct. She also chaired the Bias Education and Response Team and coordinated the Title IX Process Advisor program.
Prior to her time at Auburn, she served as Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Coastal Carolina University, Dean of Students at Converse College, and Assistant Director of Student Life at the University of Alabama. At Coastal Carolina, an award was created in her honor to recognize the impact she had on students. She also received the Paul P. Fidler Award for academic partnerships for the state of South Carolina, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region III Bob E. Leach Award for Outstanding Service to Students, the Joseph O. Nixon Award for Outstanding Chief Student Affairs Officer and the Outstanding Student Organization Advisor at both the University of Alabama and Converse College. In 2019, she was presented with the Woman of Distinction Award at Auburn’s Women’s Leadership Conference.
Hart’s research interests include women’s leadership, student sense of belonging, sorority/fraternity housing, and retention of marginalized students. She is actively engaged in professional associations, serving on the NASPA Fraternity/Sorority Life disciplinary process task force and as a faculty member for the Southern Association of College Student Affairs (SACSA)/NASPA Region III New Professionals Institute. She is also the former president of the South Carolina College Personnel Association.
She earned a Ph.D. in Administration of Higher Education from Auburn University and two degrees from Clemson University – an M.Ed. in Guidance and Counseling and a B.A. in Secondary Education.